Terms & Conditions


About the Refunds for the paypal Buy button:

From now on the refunds of the paypal payments are in the hands of Paypal, you can skip straight to them and we will do all that we’ll can to ensure you get the 100% of your money back. If you have any doubt you can read to the paypal conditions.

These payments are included in the paypal buyer protection wich protects you even from your own mistakes with the money back guarantee of Paypal.


About the Refunds the other E-wallets or crypto wallets:

We refund 100% of what we received, that is, that we can not return the receipt fee some of those payment processors, Therefore we'll give your money back provided that the following conditions are met:

1- The task has not been sent on time or not sent at all

2- The website reserves the right of admission, our moderators and employees will decide if they accept or not the requests for tasks sent by users, all this in favor of the efficiency of our platform and our policy of only delivering quality work.

Any payment made without proper approval by email or Facebook message from our team, will be interpreted as a donation and will not be refunded by the refund system of our website.

Therefore users must wait for their request to be accepted before sending any payments, the notification will be received by the aforementioned means.

3 - If you obtained a value far from the maximum rating given to your task, you must present a photo of or some other digital graphic evidence material and it will be reimbursed in a percentage according to the qualification obtained.

4 - You will have 21 days since the date we deliver your Homework to ask for a refund, we will not attend to any refund request made after that period of time

5 - Our reimbursement system is a tool that must be used when the above mentioned conditions are met and when your payment processor does not allow cancellation of the payment and the money refund is on our side. However it is important to fill out the form or notify payment cancellation or your intention to do so via email, whenever you are not satisfied with our service.